Daily Announcements

What Is Synesthesia?
Many a creative person has posed the question, what is synesthesia? This most often occurs when they’ve been given the diagnosis of it.
Depending on the kind of syne... Read More
Arts Academy Updates 03/17/2025
Arts Academy Updates 03/10/2025
Student Resources
Who do I talk to about...
A guide for Arts Academy Families on areas of staff expertise
Your first stop is almost always the teaching staff – your teachers are here to help you!
Arts Academy’s teaching staff is the first line of communication for parents and students with questions about day to day activities.
Teachers will have the best information regarding questions comments or concerns about academic achievement or classroom discipline as well as questions about assignments or test grades
Who can help me with…?
Mrs. Burrage and Mr. Jones (Coach Karic)
Exploring, researching and developing career plans
Information about missing credits, credit recovery, dual enrollment, or early college enrollment
Exploring other post high school programs of study
Individual or group counseling recommendations
Help coordinating community/agency programs
Social Worker
Ms. McGee and Dr. Brown (School Based Mental Health Clinician)
Learning about community mental health agencies, therapists, psychiatrists
Learning about food banks; assistance and resources for homelessness
Need for a liaison between agency and school
Socio-emotional issues that may hinder learning
Student Support Services
Rachel Ignagni
Questions about MAP testing procedures or results
Information on parent Orientation Need for instructional support due to academic, attendance, or behavioral issues
Parent Liaison
Mrs. Sciortino
Mrs. Glenn
Mr. Messel
Needing help finding a carpool to or from school
Information on the peer mentoring program
Admissions and Outreach
Wanting to host a Shadow Student
Wanting to help out with Open House, High School Nights, or other outreach events
Having a friend or relative who wants to attend Arts Academy, or if you are thinking bout transferring to another school
The Principal
Dr. Mitchell: mmitchell@artsacad.net
General questions about the school
Questions about school policies and procedures
Questions about school-wide discipline issues or concerns
Questions about the school’s mission and philosophy
Concerns about the way an issue is handled by a staff member
The Board
Arts Academy Board: aawboard@gmail.com
The board is the last step for resolving an issue at Arts Academy, and can be contacted for the following issues:
Appealing a disciplinary measure
Proposing ideas for new programs or policy changes
Concerns that have not been adequately addressed by school administrators
The board can also be addressed at their regular, monthly Board Meetings at 5:30 on the 2nd Monday of each month. Dates and times are also listed on the school calendar
Still can’t figure out who you can talk to? Try asking Ms. Allen in the Main Office!
Each spring, our Counselor will visit classrooms to talk to students about requesting courses for next year.
Student SchedulingCollege Prep
All of our work is a preparation for College and Career readiness! Please speak to our counselors if you have questions about applying to colleges and universities!
College PrepParent Resources
Student Code of Conduct and Parent Handbook
We expect our community members to treat each other with kindness and respect and we expect everyone to understand and adhere to our policies.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let the administration know!
Student Code of ConductPTO
The Academy has a very active PTO. If you’d like to learn more about us, check out our social media pages:
Pandemic EBT
Pandemic-EBT Program
A school building is eligible only if the building has had 5 school days in a row of reduced in-person hours due to COVID (closures due to staffing shortages do not count for P-EBT benefits).
There may be months when your student’s attendance was different from what the school reported. In that case, you may be able to have your student’s benefit level reconsidered. Your request to be reconsidered must be submitted by June 30, 2023. In the month(s) below your school reported primarily in-person. Your student(s) may be P-EBT eligible If your student Did not receive instruction in-person for some or all the month due to COVID-19 related absence in the following month(s): October 2022, November 2022, December 2022, January 2023, February 2023, March 2023, April 2023, and May 2023