New Procedures for 2024
- We have updated the Hangout hours. Before school, the Hangout will be available from 7:00 – until 8:15. After school the Hangout will be available from 3:45 – until 5:00 pm.
- There is a non-refundable registration fee of $50 yearly per family that can be paid via check or cash in the main office or with a credit card using E Funds for schools found on our website.
- Students can be picked up from Door #3 until 4:00. After 4, Students will be dismissed from Door #15 (West parking lot)
Hangout Procedures
The ‘Hangout’ is offered to students in grades 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 until 5:00 pm daily (unless otherwise posted). Students in grades 11 and 12 must have prior written approval from administration in order to remain in the Hangout after dismissal, but they are always welcome and encouraged to attend after school clubs or workshops. Approval can be requested by completing the Registration from.
All students must submit the Hangout registration form and behavioral contract, signed by both the student and parent, BEFORE the student may utilize the Hangout. The registration forms can be found on our website or in the main office.
Please turn in the registration forms prior to the first day of school if your student plans to utilize the Hangout on the first day of school. Each semester there is a non-refundable registration fee of $50 yearly per family that can be paid via check or cash in the main office or with a credit card using the E Funds link found on our website.
Before and After School Information
The before school Hangout starts at 7:00 am. Students are expected to go to Door #3 to enter the Cafegymatorium until 8:15. Breakfast is available and there is adult supervision.
Students who aren’t registered for the Hangout will be expected to leave school at 3:45.
The after school Hangout ends at 5:00 pm.
Hangout Rules
- All students must have a completed enrollment form on file to use the Hangout.
- All students who attend the Hangout are expected to have a $50 registration fee on file each year.
- Hangout privileges will be revoked after parents and students receive a warning letter/email/phone call explaining consequences for non-payment, and students will be asked to leave the building at dismissal. After balance is received, advanced payment will be required before student is allowed to return to Hangout.
- Students are expected to be in the Hangout or heading home 15 minutes after students are dismissed from their last class of the day.
- Students who leave the building will not be allowed to re-enter.
- For students who ride Smart Bus will have their daily fee waived if the student takes the Smart Bus when it arrives. Missing the bus, may be charged a Hangout fee for that day.
- For students who participate in school sponsored after school activities such as tutoring/workshops, clubs, meetings must have a registration form on file or remains with the staff member sponsoring their activity until their ride arrives.
- For outside school activities that end after 4:30 p.m. (i.e. soccer, choir/band performances, field trips, etc.) Teachers/staff sponsoring after-school activities should not expect to just return students to school and expect them to wait in the Hangout for a ride. Arrangements should be in place for the Hangout director to expect these returning students at a certain time or the responsible staff will wait with students in the school until their ride arrives.
- Students waiting for school sponsored activities to begin after 5:00 p.m. should have a plan in place for “gap” time between when the Hangout closes and the activity begins. (ie: school dances @ 7:00 p.m.).